Stuck in between the towering skyscrapers of Manhattan, Baruch College’s WBMB Radio team welcomed burgeoning R&B superstar, and New Jersey Native, Honey Bxby for a multi-faceted event. Serving as a playback event where she previewed some tracks from her upcoming deluxe EP release, a meet and greet, and a mixer for the larger student community, WBMB managed to hold an event I only wish Brooklyn College had during my time in the CUNY system.
Interviewed by WBMB Vice President Reagan, Honey Bxby sat down in front of a group of almost 50 students, all of which were eager to pick her brain via the Q&A that followed after. Asked questions that ranged from how she deals with setbacks, to whether or not she writes her own music (spoiler alert: she does!), Honey Bxby gave her honest answers and artist expertise to each question, ensuring a balance of entertaining answers and insightful ones.
When asked about what it meant to have Honey Bxby on campus and talk with them, WBMB Radio President Christopher Clarke said that “It was amazing and the first time in years that Baruch students have had an experience like that! WBMB ensures all members understand that no creative goal is out of reach. I can tell that they were inspired by her story - Losses teach you more than a win and Honey Bxby’s journey is proof of that! It motivates and inspires them! College students are some of the hardest working people you’ll ever meet so they know just how tough things can get. I can tell moments like these put the battery back in their backs. It definitely did for me!”
After hosting Honey Bxby for this event, WBMB now sets their sights on Baruch’s Spring Fling concert, where students acts will open for headliner Jordan Ward.
(All photos pictures are taken by/belong to @Flexed.Visuals)